Things That Will Make You Lose Hair.

What Time to Nap During the Day

Take a nap but less than an hour, experts advise Beijing: Chinese experts say that if you take a nap, it is better to keep it for less than an hour, otherwise it may be harmful instead of useful. It should be noted that the benefits of taking a short nap after lunch have been scientifically proven today, but it is not yet decided how long the nap is appropriate.
One study says that just ten minutes of nap is enough, while another study says that two hours of nap is enough. To address this debate, Chinese scientists have revisited 20 nap studies over the past few decades, involving more than 300,000 people. And it found that people who made it a habit to take a nap for more than an hour a day were 34 percent more likely to develop heart disease than those who took less than an hour.
Were; In any case, they are up to 30 percent more likely to suffer. Experts say that although this study does not prove that taking a nap for more than an hour is the cause of heart disease or any other life-threatening condition, there is a strong connection between the two. Also, it has been found that taking a 30 to 45 minute nap is the safest strategy you can use to keep your health in check. The same study also found that people who did not get six to eight hours of sleep at night and slept during the day had a higher risk of heart disease. Experts have dubbed this condition "sleep debt". The study is not currently published in a research journal, but has been presented at a session of the European Society of Cardiology's annual congress for 2020.
